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Five Yoga Poses to do from your Chair

Five Yoga Poses to do from your Chair

Yoga continues to gain popularity, and with good reason. A practice that improves posture and flexibility, yoga has also been shown to lower blood pressure and relieve stress. But maybe you’ve decided yoga isn’t for you. It’s true, some people have physical limitations that prevent them from doing yoga, like chronic joint pain or acute injury or illness, but if your primary objective is a vague feeling that you don’t bend that way, you might want to rethink your position. Give these simple stretches a try, from the comfort of your own chair, and you might find you have more of an affinity for yoga than you thought you did.

Yoga is a practice that benefits both mind and body, calming the mind while improving health. At our clinic, we embrace therapies like yoga and acupuncture, incorporating them into treatment plans that also include more traditional western medical treatments. It’s what we call an integrated approach to wellness, in which we work to address each patient as a whole person. To learn more about how we can help you live your best life, visit our website or call today for a free consultation.

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