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Health Food or Hype?

Health Food or Hype?

If you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you may be confused by all the claims made about health food. It seems like every week a new food is touted as a “superfood”, and a new concept about how we should eat is introduced. How can you distinguish the truth about health food when there is so much hype? Relax. It’s easy to learn some simple facts about food, and determine the best things to eat for a healthy, balanced life. 

Some foods really are superfoods. 

Other foods’ claims are less impressive.

The secret of healthful eating is to eat a well-balanced diet, not getting caught up in the hype of superfoods or diet trends. Opt for natural, whole foods, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, choosing a variety of colors to work in a wide range of nutrients. At our clinic, we strive to help patients live lives of balance and wellness. Embracing an integrated approach to healthcare, we work with patients to help them learn to meet their body’s needs, rather than just addressing symptoms and ailments. For more information on how we can help you achieve your wellness goals, visit our website or call for a free consultation.

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