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Healthy Slow Cooker Meals for when it’s too Hot to Cook

Healthy Slow Cooker Meals for when it’s too Hot to Cook

When you think of a slow cooker, do you automatically think of winter? Warm stews and hot creamy soups, hearty roasts and chili- these are the standard crock pot fare for most people. What you may not realize, though, is that the slow cooker can be an extremely valuable tool for feeding your family while keeping your kitchen cool in the spring and summer. Try these tasty options when the weather is warm and you don’t feel like cooking.

At our clinic, we embrace an integrated approach to wellness, treating our patients as whole people, rather than a collection of symptoms. To that end, we like to offer healthy lifestyle tips, including delicious, nourishing recipes, exercise tips, natural health solutions, and much more. Follow our blog, to find information that will help you live a live a healthier life, or call today for your free consultation.

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