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Is Immunotherapy the Cure for Cancer?

Is Immunotherapy the Cure for Cancer?

The battle against cancer seems never-ending, and cancer treatment is often almost as bad as the disease itself. Harsh chemicals pumped into the bodies of cancer patients cause devastating side effects that lead some to decide to stop treatment entirely. Worse, many chemotherapy treatments have become virtually ineffective, leaving some patients with advanced cancers very little time left to live. Immunotherapy, however, shows promise for cancer treatment, using the body’s own defenses to fight disease.

In our clinic, we embrace an integrated approach to wellness, combining traditional Western medicine with alternative therapies, in order treat our patients’ whole bodies and avoid just treating symptoms. We also strive to offer our patients the most up to date information on medical treatments and therapies, to help them stay abreast of the best medical care available. For more information about what our clinic has to offer, visit our website or call today for a free consultation.

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