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Recognizing Early Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that causes joint inflammation in various areas of the body. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs in one or multiple joints in the body that have no relationship to one another. Rheumatoid arthritis affects similar joints on opposite sides of the body. A person with osteoarthritis will feel stiffness, pain, and discomfort at the later hours of the day, typically in the knees. Rheumatoid arthritis causes stiffness and pain in the hands and feet within the first hours of waking. Watch this video for more information.

Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas serves Fort Worth with a variety of medical services, including arthritis relief. We also provide treatment for back and neck pain, headache relief, anti-aging solutions, weight loss help, massage, natural healthcare, allergy management, and more.

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