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The One Resolution You Should Ditch This Year

The One Resolution You Should Ditch This Year

Each year, across the nation, people make tons of New Year’s resolutions, most of which fall by the wayside by the time Valentine’s Day arrives. Maybe this is the year you quit smoking, or do more volunteer work, or learn to say no more often. It’s certainly honorable to set goals for yourself, even if they’re in the form of New Year’s resolutions.

The one resolution you might want to scrap? Losing a certain amount of weight. Whether it’s 10 pounds or 100, the number should not be the focus of your resolution.

Why is establishing a weight loss target a less worthy goal than other resolutions? Because it focuses on the wrong thing. True, you may need to lose a certain number of pounds, but a better resolution would be one based on why you need to lose weight in the first place.

Here’s the good news: you’ll lose the weight you need to lose. When you focus on meeting your goals, living your best life, and being the healthiest you can be, you’ll find you’re happier and the steps you’ve taken will help you lose the weight. By focusing on the underlying issues and desires, you’ll get to the goal you wanted to reach.

At our clinic, our goal is to help our patients live an overall healthier lifestyle. Embracing an integrated approach to wellness, we create a customized plan for each patient, to help them find their own paths to optimal health. Addressing diet, exercise, supplements, and other wellness factors, we strive to help people live their best possible lives, free from pain and illness. Call today for your free consultation, and learn what we can do for you.

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