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8 Signs You Have Neuropathy

8 Signs You Have Neuropathy

Your brain is a core component of the central nervous system, while  the peripheral nerves are all the other nerves  in the body. When you have neuropathy, something affects those nerves, leading to various uncomfortable symptoms.

If you're at risk for neuropathy, knowing the signs and symptoms can help you understand when to seek treatment. Living with issues like diabetes, toxin exposures, and certain metabolic disorders increases your risk of neuropathy.

Our team specializes in neuropathy treatments at the Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas. Dr. Jason Kouri and Dr. Brian Wasson are our experienced medical practitioners who provide expert treatments for neuropathy symptoms.

What is neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy affects more than 20 million people in the United States, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It happens when something damages the nerves outside the central nervous system.

Both the motor nerves and sensory nerves sustain damage when you're living with peripheral neuropathy. These nerves send essential information from the body to the brain and spinal cord.

Most people with peripheral neuropathy have symptoms in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Still, it can also affect other body areas, including the digestive tract and the urinary system.

Peripheral neuropathy happens for various reasons. A traumatic injury can damage the sensory and motor nerves in the body, causing long-lasting pain and other symptoms.

People living with diabetes are at a significantly higher risk for peripheral neuropathy, especially in the legs and feet. High blood sugar levels damage the nerves over time, decreasing sensation and pain in the lower extremities.

Infections, exposure to certain toxins, and genetic predisposition are other risk factors for peripheral neuropathy.

Eight signs of neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy usually develops over time, although it can be sudden if you have a traumatic injury. There are various symptoms related to neuropathy, including the following:

1. Uncontrolled muscle movements

When peripheral neuropathy affects nerves, they sometimes completely lose connection to the brain and spinal cord. They may begin to cramp or move uncontrollably, causing discomfort.

2. Muscle weakness

Nerve damage from peripheral neuropathy weakens the surrounding muscles, leading to weakness and trouble with control. In some cases of severe neuropathy, paralysis occurs, making it nearly impossible to move the arms or legs.

3. Balance problems

The nerves throughout the body subconsciously keep track of your balance and coordination. When you're living with peripheral neuropathy, and these nerves are damaged, you may have trouble keeping your balance, especially in the dark.

4. Numbness or tingling

Damaged nerves can lead to sensory problems, including numbness and tingling. The nerves can no longer send reliable sensory information to the brain, leading to numbness in some body regions and tingling in the toes and fingers.

5. Sweating more than normal

When peripheral neuropathy affects the autonomic nervous system, you may sweat too much or not enough. Your body typically regulates temperature by sweating to release excess heat; when the nerves are damaged, you may not sweat enough or too much.

6. Changes in blood pressure

The nerves in your body automatically control your blood pressure. Still, when living with peripheral neuropathy, damage disrupts the nerve signals. You may experience sudden drops in blood pressure and fainting episodes.

7. Bowel and bladder issues

The nerves in your autonomic nervous system control the muscles in your bladder and bowel without you knowing. When you have peripheral neuropathy, the nerves malfunction, causing bladder control problems and constipation or diarrhea.

8. Pain

Nerve damage also affects how your brain perceives pain. Damaged nerves may make you feel pain more efficiently or intensely than if your nerves weren't injured.

If you're dealing with neuropathy, don't hesitate to call the Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas today at one of our convenient locations or request a consultation on the website.

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