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How to Manage Back Pain After an Accident

How to Manage Back Pain After an Accident

After an accident, you might realize you’re more injured than you first thought, especially when it comes to back pain. Seeing a doctor promptly after an accident can help you get treatment for an injury before it can develop into a more serious condition.

At Neuropathy & Pain Centers in Fort Worth, Arlington, Waco, and Wichita Falls, Texas, Dr. Jason Kouri, Dr. Aminidhan Thakkar, Carlos Vazquez, DC, Mabel Francisco, APRN, FNP-C, and their team provide relief for back pain, whether due to an accident or a natural effect of aging.

Diagnosing back pain 

Everyone, no matter their age or level of fitness, is one bad injury away from chronic pain. If you’ve recently suffered an auto accident, you should consult with a specialist to determine the extent of the damage, and how to best rehabilitate your back. 

At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, we work with patients to comprehensively diagnose the injury. Common causes of back pain include: 

Building a treatment plan 

Treatment for back pain used to be limited to medications for pain relief and/or surgery, but there are a variety of conservative treatments available today including chiropracty and other noninvasive or minimally invasive treatments. Depending on your diagnosis, our team might recommend one or more of the following solutions. 

Advanced spinal rehabilitation 

If your injury is recent, rehabilitation should be high on your list of priorities. The sooner you begin strengthening and stabilizing your spine, the better you’ll heal. Not only will this help you recover faster, but it can also prevent future injuries and reduce your chances of developing arthritis later in life. 

Even if your injury is relatively old, you can still benefit from physical therapy. Our advanced spinal rehabilitation plan includes a customized exercise plan designed to alleviate pain and increase mobility.

Advanced spinal decompression

If your back pain is caused by herniated or bulging discs, you might benefit from spinal decompression. Decompression is a noninvasive procedure that increases circulation and reduces pressure on the spinal nerves. 

During decompression, mechanical traction is used to gently, slowly stretch the spine. This is done in 15 one-minute increments, with rests between each decompression. Overall, this therapy takes about half an hour and requires no downtime, leaving patients relaxed and ready to continue their day. 

Class 4 deep tissue laser therapy

Deep tissue laser therapy is a noninvasive treatment that sends infrared energy into the body. As it penetrates skin, muscle, and bone, the laser stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate. 

This provides an energy source for the injured cells to begin repairing the area, leading to improved healing, circulation, and nerve function. Each session takes about 5-25 minutes, and your provider can adjust the strength of the laser to fit your specific needs. 

Not sure which treatment is right for you? Get a full diagnosis and begin discussing your options by calling the Neuropathy & Pain Center closest to you or by requesting an appointment online

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