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Laser Therapy Is a Great Way to Address Nagging Tendinitis Oct 17th, 2024

The human body contains a whopping 4,000 tendons, tough connective tissues that attach bones to muscles to allow you to move. Some of the most common musculoskeletal problems include these tissues — 30% to 40% of sports injuries involve tendon problems, for example. And this only paints part of the...

The Toll of Chronic Pain: The Lesser-known Ways it Affects Your Life Sep 23rd, 2024

Like nearly 52 million adults in the United States, you wake each morning and wonder just how much your chronic pain is going to influence the day ahead. In fact, it’s never a matter of if, but how much, and the negative impact is only getting worse the longer the...

Non-Diabetic Neuropathy: Who is at Risk, and What Are its Effects? Sep 23rd, 2024

For the millions of Americans who have type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathy is a clear and present danger. Yet diabetes is far from the only driver of peripheral nerve damage — indeed, there are more than 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy. As our name — Neuropathy & Pain Centers...

Can Trigger Point Injections Help My Lower Back Pain? Aug 7th, 2024

All you did was trip slightly or lift something, and you feel that twinge in your back that signals oncoming lower back pain. Or, maybe you woke up with back pain after sleeping in an awkward position. You’re certainly in good company. Back pain is the leading cause of disability...

3 Great Tips for Managing Fall Allergies Aug 5th, 2024

As many of us look forward to the lower temperatures that often come with fall, just as many are less enthusiastic about this season, thanks to fall allergies. According to a 2021 report from the Centers for Disease Control, slightly more than one-quarter of Americans have seasonal allergies, and spring...

Back Pain, Fatigue, Fogginess — The Many Faces of Fibromyalgia Jul 26th, 2024

Fibromyalgia (which is often referred to as fibro) has a well-earned reputation for being an all-consuming and frustrating condition, thanks to side effects that involve your physical, mental, and cognitive health.  From systemwide pain, including back pain, to problems with focus and memory, the reach of fibromyalgia is extensive, as...

Is It Neck Strain or a Tension Headache? Jul 26th, 2024

You’ve been experiencing pain in your neck, as well as around the back of your head, in your shoulders, and even down into your upper back, and you’re wondering what’s causing the discomfort. Well, there might be two conditions at play here — neck strain and tension headaches — and...

3 Noninvasive Sciatica Treatments Jun 20th, 2024

Even the slightest movement sends pain shooting from your lower back into your buttocks, perhaps even extending down into one of your legs. The hallmark pain that’s associated with sciatica can be considerable, and you want answers sooner rather than later. The lifetime prevalence of sciatica is very high —...

4 Potential Culprits Behind Your Knee Pain Jun 5th, 2024

If your ability to move through life has been greatly affected by nagging knee pain that’s making every step an exercise in discomfort,  you just want to be able to move again without wincing every time there’s any pressure on those key joints. While the team here at Neuropathy &...

5 Common and Painful Lower Back Conditions May 20th, 2024

If you're reading this, it’s likely that you're struggling with some sort of back issue and you want some answers. Well, you’re definitely not alone, as lower back pain affected an incredible 619 million people around the globe in 2020, making it the leading disability worldwide. And this number is...

Can Neuropathy Cause Numbness or Tingling Only? May 20th, 2024

Neuropathy, or nerve damage, is often associated with pain  — stabbing or burning sensations you can feel in your hands or feet. While pain is certainly one hallmark of peripheral neuropathy, it isn’t the only one. Of the millions of people who have peripheral neuropathy — it affects up to...

Tips for Avoiding Sciatica During Pregnancy Apr 11th, 2024

You know that you’re going to face some challenges during your pregnancy, but you want to do what you can to avoid some of the more unpleasant ones, which certainly describes back pain due to sciatica. The odds of developing sciatica under any circumstance are quite high — up to...

Bouncing Back After Tearing Your Meniscus Apr 11th, 2024

Your knees are your largest joints, which makes a good deal of sense given all that they’re responsible for. Day after day, your knees not only get you to where you need to go, but they also support almost your entire body along the way. So, when you develop a...

4 Great Strategies for Less Back Pain Later In Life Mar 12th, 2024

When we age, some physical changes are inevitable — wrinkles, graying hair (or hair loss), weaker muscles — but these changes certainly don't have to include pain, especially back pain.  Unfortunately, back pain is all too common in our population — 65 million Americans report recent back pain, and about 8%...

Life After a Knee Dislocation Mar 12th, 2024

Your knees are the largest joints in your body, and there’s a good case to be made for them being the hardest working, as well. Day in and day out, your knees support almost your entire body and get you to where you need to go. So, when knee pain...

Shoe Buying Hacks to Relieve Knee Pain Feb 1st, 2024

Americans are no strangers to knee pain, whether it’s due to injury or arthritis. In fact, 1 in 5 American adults has doctor-diagnosed arthritis, including osteoarthritis, and the knees are the most affected joints. If you’re hobbled by ongoing knee pain, the experienced team of pain-management and musculoskeletal experts here...

4 Major Benefits of Our Primary Care Services Feb 1st, 2024

It’s hard to overstate the value of good primary care — the frontline expertise that guides you in all things related to your health. Whether it’s routine care or you have specific needs and goals, you want a team that will make your health a top priority. We believe that...

Why Does My Back Hurt Postpartum? Jan 19th, 2024

Postpartum back pain is much more common than you may realize. When you think about everything that happens to your body during pregnancy and birth, it’s not especially surprising that back pain often continues for weeks or even months after your baby is born. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of...

8 Signs You Have Neuropathy Jan 19th, 2024

Your brain is a core component of the central nervous system, while  the peripheral nerves are all the other nerves  in the body. When you have neuropathy, something affects those nerves, leading to various uncomfortable symptoms. If you're at risk for neuropathy, knowing the signs and symptoms can help you...

At-Home Strategies to Alleviate Arthritis Pain Dec 13th, 2023

Arthritis can be debilitating. It can prevent you from engaging in activities that you love. At  Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, our board-certified family and pain management physicians and physician’s assistant help relieve your arthritis pain, whether it’s in your back, knee, or other joint.  Did you know you...

Who’s At Risk for BPH and Is it Preventable? Dec 13th, 2023

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the issues many men have to deal with as they age. Although some men may not have any symptoms, others will have difficulty with urination and other complications. Knowing the risk factors for BPH can help you understand the symptoms so you can...

These are 5 of the Most Common Allergens Nov 3rd, 2023

Allergies can transform enjoyable seasons into occasions marked by sneezing, runny eyes, and congestion. While the list of potential allergens is extensive, certain culprits are more common than others.  At Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas, our team of experts offers advanced allergy testing at offices in Fort Worth, Arlington,...

 What's Causing My Back to Hurt? Nov 1st, 2023

If you’re one of the 65 million folks with back pain, you know how tough it is to figure out what’s causing it — but you’ve come to the right place. We at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas know back pain can be as mysterious as it is painful,...

How Laser Therapy Can Ease Your Carpal Tunnel Discomfort Oct 4th, 2023

Carpal tunnel syndrome can make you feel like your hands belong to a stranger, with weird sensations, pain symptoms, and numb, stiff fingers. Fortunately, laser therapy can help. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, a group medical practice located in Fort Worth, Arlington, Wichita Falls, and Waco, Texas, our medical...

These are The Main Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Oct 4th, 2023

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with diabetes, you might have many questions, and that's okay. There's a lot to learn regarding what to eat, how to exercise, and how to manage your blood sugar.  Your learning journey starts by learning which type of diabetes you have:...

Is Working from Home a Pain in Your Neck? Sep 1st, 2023

Working from home can change your life in many positive ways. Depending on your situation, you may be able to ditch your long commutes. Or, you may be able to take walks, rest, or run errands when you want. However, our providers at Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas have noticed a few common...

7 Conditions that Respond Well to Trigger Point Injections Sep 1st, 2023

If your muscles experience intense irritation, trigger points, or knots, can form. Trigger points can feel painful, reduce your range of motion, and even result in muscle weakness. The good news is, trigger point injections can often cause the muscle tissue in these knots to relax, which can relieve the pain. Furthermore,...

Eczema Explained: What Causes It and How Can I Improve it? Aug 1st, 2023

You want your skin to be smooth, clear, and irritation-free, so it looks and feels its best. If you have eczema, it can be a challenge! This skin condition can result in patches of dry, scaly, irritated skin. Eczema symptoms often flare up after you come in contact with an...

Why You Should Consider Cold Laser Therapy to Treat Your Sciatica Aug 1st, 2023

About 40% of people in the United States experience sciatica at some point in their lives.  Sciatica is a debilitating condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down to the legs, becomes compressed or irritated. The resulting pain, tingling, and numbness can greatly disrupt your daily...

How IV Therapy Can Help You Sleep Better Jul 1st, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, achieving quality sleep can be a real challenge. Stress, poor dietary choices, and lifestyle factors can all contribute to restless nights and inadequate sleep. There are various strategies to improve sleep, such as practicing good sleep hygiene, exercising in the morning, avoiding stimulants before bed, and managing...

I Was Hurt in a Car Accident: Can You Help? Jul 1st, 2023

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatic event that leaves you with lingering physical and emotional pain. Our experienced team at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas is here to help you recover and reclaim your life.  We offer a range of effective treatments, including trigger point injections, MLS® laser therapy, nutrition counseling, and chiropractic care....

Understanding Your Medical Pain Relief Options Jun 1st, 2023

If you live with pain every day, it changes your life. Your relationships may suffer, you may neglect your hobbies, and you might have problems working. You may even begin to feel as if there’s no good solution.  At Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas, our providers meet patients each day who feel...

Why Diabetics Are at Risk of Peripheral Neuropathy Jun 1st, 2023

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with diabetes, you already know a lot about your condition. You probably also know the importance of managing your weight, watching your diet, and monitoring your blood sugar, but many people don’t know what happens if they lose control of these factors. Our team...

How to Beat the Attacks of Allergy Season May 1st, 2023

You want to sit outside and enjoy the mild temperatures and lovely spring air. But when you do, the result is sneezing, a runny nose, watery eyes, and a massive headache. Can you enjoy the outdoors without all these uncomfortable symptoms of a seasonal allergy attack?  Our expert team of providers...

What's the Link Between Nutrition and Headaches? May 1st, 2023

If you regularly treat your headaches with an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen, you know that what you put into your body impacts your head pain.  It’s not just about what happens after the headache strikes. What you eat and drink can also directly affect the frequency and severity of...

How Nonsurgical Treatment Works for Your ACL Injury Apr 1st, 2023

We’ve all seen it happen when we’re watching a game on TV or even in person. An athlete goes down, sometimes without any contact, clutching their knee. Chances are, they’ve injured their ACL and won’t be able to play for quite some time while they heal. When you think of...

Understanding How the M6 MLS Robotic Laser Can Treat Your Sciatica Apr 1st, 2023

As one of the most common chronic pain problems in the United States, sciatica affects some two in five American adults at some point in their lives. While simple strategies like weight loss, activity modification, and physical therapy are often what it takes to ease or even resolve sciatica, the problem can also persist...

The Importance of Primary Care Mar 7th, 2023

We’re all unique individuals with unique health needs, so when it comes to your health needs, you need a doctor who knows you and can care for you no matter the issue. This is where primary care comes in. Primary care is a provision of health care that ranges from wellness services to...

5 Ways to Help Prevent Your Sciatica from Acting Up Mar 1st, 2023

Rooted in your lower back, your sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in your body, consisting of five nerve roots: Two in the lumbar spine, and three in the final section of the spine called the sacrum. These nerve roots come together to form sciatic nerve branches on your right...

Everyday Habits That Could Be Contributing to Your Sciatica Pain Feb 14th, 2023

While your sciatic nerve may not cross your mind daily, when sciatica pain strikes, it likely becomes one of the only things you can think about.  Your sciatic nerve extends from your lower back into your buttocks and down each leg. When this nerve becomes inflamed, it causes pain known...

Understanding What Can Cause Migraine Stress Headaches Feb 8th, 2023

You’re plagued with migraine headaches. You likely have to cancel plans and change your schedule at times because of debilitating symptoms. It’s not surprising that you’re searching for answers. You want to learn why you have these extreme headaches and more importantly, how to effectively treat them.  Our functional medicine...

5 Reasons Why You Might Have Knee Pain Jan 2nd, 2023

Knee pain is common. So common, in fact, that it affects one in four adults, sometimes to the point where they have trouble completing daily tasks. Athletes are especially susceptible to knee pain.   The most common cause of knee pain varies depending on your age and activity level. If you're...

Can My Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed? Jan 1st, 2023

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of this health condition with up to 95% of all diabetes cases falling into the Type 2 category. Type 2 diabetes can develop when your body becomes increasingly resistant to a hormone called insulin. Insulin is made in your pancreas and transfers...

How To Relieve Peripheral Neuropathy Pain At Night Dec 27th, 2022

Peripheral neuropathy is a serious condition that affects 20 million people in the United States. Causing effects like numbness, weakness, pain, and paralysis, it can majorly disrupt daily life. Fortunately, if you suffer from pain at night from peripheral neuropathy, know that this is a common symptom that can be...

5 Tips for Traveling With Lower Back Pain Dec 1st, 2022

You’ve spent hours — and likely no small amount of money — planning your upcoming trip, but if you forget to factor in your back pain, it could derail your carefully laid travel plans.  Back pain is a complicated condition that can weigh down any good vacation far more than an...

What to Expect from Advanced Spinal Decompression Dec 1st, 2022

Millions of people all over the world deal with back pain, and it can come from a wide variety of causes. The posture you use when walking, running, or sitting, overuse injury from occupations, sports-related injury, or the wearing down over time due to age-related factors can all affect any pain...

How Effective Are Viscosupplement Injections in Remedying Knee Pain? Nov 1st, 2022

People often put off treatment for knee pain out of fear they’ll just have to learn to live with it. Or, worse yet, undergo surgery. However, a wide range of available treatments can help relieve even the most common joint pain and get you on your feet again. One of...

Preventing and Managing Neuropathy When You Have Diabetes Nov 1st, 2022

Since November is National Diabetes Month, we want to focus on this subject in this month’s blog post. More than 37 million people in the United States have diabetes, and half will develop diabetic peripheral neuropathy during their lifetime. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy is a clear and present danger, but...

Common Causes of Failed Back Surgery and What You Can Do About It Oct 1st, 2022

You’ve suffered from chronic back pain for some time and finally decided to have surgery. However, back surgery isn’t always successful. Back surgery has a success rate no higher than 95%, and other risk factors can increase your odds of post-surgery pain. If you’re still coping with chronic back pain...

Suffering From Knee Arthritis? Trigger Point Injections May Help Sep 23rd, 2022

Arthritis is a painful condition that can become disabling, especially when the disease affects your knee joints. At Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas, with four Texas locations, our team of specialists offers effective and nonsurgical solutions for knee arthritis and the joint pain it causes. An effective solution we...

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy: The Noninvasive Solution to Lower Back Pain You Haven't Tried Sep 1st, 2022

Your back is vital to your ability to stand upright, walk, and perform most physical functions. The spine, muscles, nerves, and other tissues in your back not only allow for most movement in your body, but the spinal cord alone is responsible for helping to regulate body temperature and to assist...

The Benefits of a Multifaceted Treatment Approach for Peripheral Neuropathy Sep 1st, 2022

With an estimated 20 million or more people in the United State suffering from peripheral neuropathy, it’s important to treat the disease in a manner that will provide the best relief for patients. Though some doctors may focus primarily on just one treatment approach (i.e. medication), our approach at the...

Why Your Posture Problems Are Literally a Pain in the Neck Aug 1st, 2022

With 43% of American adults suffering from neck pain at any given time, it’s safe to say most of us will wake up with it at some point.  Posture problems contribute to neck pain. With much of the population addicted to their mobile devices and an increasing number of people working from...

10 Benefits of IV Therapy Aug 1st, 2022

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a great way to supplement your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. This treatment bypasses your digestive tract and delivers the nutrients directly into your bloodstream, so you receive the full benefits of your therapy. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, our expert team offers IV...

Why It Is Important to See a Doctor if You Are Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction Jul 1st, 2022

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone. But ED is actually a common condition, affecting about 30 million American men, according to data from the American Urological Association.  Lots of issues can cause or contribute to ED and its symptoms, including underlying medical...

When to Consider Surgery For Your Herniated Disc Jul 1st, 2022

Your spine is a complex and vital part of your body that houses your spinal cord and allows you to move, stand, and walk. But because it sustains wear and tear on a daily basis, your spine is also susceptible to disorder, dysfunction, and injury.  One of the most common...

How to Ease Your Knee Pain Without Surgery Jun 1st, 2022

A painful knee can result from osteoarthritis, a soft tissue injury, a fracture, or one of many other conditions that affect the knee. These conditions often come with mobility limitations, swelling, and other problems that stop you from using your knee for standing, running, and walking with ease.  Here at...

Is Spinal Stenosis Reversible? Jun 1st, 2022

Your nerves travel in and out of your spinal column, a slender tube that runs the length of your back and neck. There’s not much wiggle room in your spinal spaces, so any deformity, injury, or inflammation can easily compress your nerves and cause pain, weakness, and numbness. At Neuropathy...

5 Encouraging Facts About Sciatica May 1st, 2022

The symptoms of sciatica are notorious. Intense, electric pain that shoots down a nerve from the lower back into one leg is a common complaint, yet comparatively few people experience the real thing. Lumbar radiculopathy, the medical name for the condition, can be mimicked by other conditions.  There are encouraging...

How to Manage Back Pain After an Accident May 1st, 2022

After an accident, you might realize you’re more injured than you first thought, especially when it comes to back pain. Seeing a doctor promptly after an accident can help you get treatment for an injury before it can develop into a more serious condition. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers in...

How Biologics Can Help You Heal from Within Apr 1st, 2022

Chronic pain is life-altering and debilitating. Often, it’s due to degenerative disease, like arthritis. Your body just can’t build itself back up fast enough to match the pace of deterioration.  Pain medications can sometimes blunt your pain symptoms and physical therapy and movement modification help with function, but at some...

Simple Exercises You Can Do to Strengthen Your Neck Apr 1st, 2022

Do you spend a lot of time staring at your phone or a computer screen? Maybe you’re in the car for long stretches each day, or perhaps you slept in an awkward position. All of these things can cause neck pain and neck fatigue. Luckily, there are simple exercises you...

How PRP Injections Help with Joint Pain Mar 2nd, 2022

Chronic pain is a serious problem in the United States, especially joint pain due to arthritis. Reports show that over 54 million Americans have joint pain from arthritis, and that doesn’t even include the millions more living with joint pain from other diseases or injury. What this data tells us...

When Is Your Headache a Cause for Concern? Mar 1st, 2022

Everyone experiences headaches at least once in a while. Stress, lack of sleep, alcohol,  dehydration, and excess caffeine can trigger pain in any region of the head. But if you’re experiencing debilitating headaches accompanied by other symptoms, or headaches that occur several times per month, it may be a sign...

5 Signs of Sciatica Feb 9th, 2022

Problems with the sciatic nerve are common, affecting 10-40% of the adult population in the country. Typically associated with lower back pain, the symptoms of this nerve condition, collectively called sciatica, can spread anywhere along the nerve’s path.  Since the sciatic nerve itself is a collection of five root nerves...

How Chiropractic Care Helps You Overcome Injuries Feb 7th, 2022

Homeostasis is a dynamic state of equilibrium, in which your body maintains internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions. When you’re in homeostasis, you function optimally. You handle the normal stresses of life without physical, emotional, or mental harm.  However, an extreme external event — such as a car...

Let IV Nutritional Therapy Boost Your Immunity this Flu and Cold Season Jan 18th, 2022

Your immune system is a complex network that’s on duty 24/7, helping your body stay safe from invading germs. To keep your immune system functioning the way it’s supposed to, you need to support it with ample nutrients. It’d be great if we could get all the nutrients the immune...

Recognizing the Early Signs of Peripheral Neuropathy Jan 11th, 2022

Your nervous system is among the most complex and diverse systems your body has, connecting to and in some way regulating nearly every activity. Its four primary functions are receiving sensory input (touch, pressure, pain, temperature), receiving and perceiving special sensations (taste, smell, sight, auditory), processing sensory input from different...

What Are The Stages of Peripheral Neuropathy? Dec 8th, 2021

Peripheral Neuropathy affects more than 20 million people in the United States. With it being so prevalent, it’s important to remain educated on what causes peripheral neuropathy and all of the stages neuropathy takes on. Peripheral neuropathy occurs due to damaged nerves of the peripheral system which comprises all nerves besides...

5 Natural Methods That May Help Improve Your Erectile Dysfunction Nov 30th, 2021

What is Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile Dysfunction or ED, occurs when a male penis cannot have or sustain an erection. If this is something you deal with, you are not alone. It affects more than 30 million men in the United States alone!  Generally, this happens to men as they age...

Scoliosis Pain? Understand Your Treatment Options Nov 19th, 2021

Scoliosis management is complex, and it is mainly dictated by the type of scoliosis encountered. There are syndromic, congenital, neuromuscular, or idiopathic. The seriousness of the curvature and skeletal maturity, which help predict the likelihood of development, influence treatment options for idiopathic scoliosis. As “obtained best results in 10-25 degrees...

Non-Surgical Treatment for Spinal Stenosis Nov 3rd, 2021

ALL-NATURAL NON-INVASIVE, TREATMENTS  Lower back and neck pain can make you put a pause on daily activities you love to participate in as a result of pain. If you are living with pain and it is slowly getting worse with time and the ways in which you are coping with...

Spinal Decompression Treatment for Chronic Back Pain Sep 16th, 2021

Back pain affects about 65 million Americans each year, and is also the 6th most costly condition in the United States. Back pain can stem from a variety of causes, such as injury, arthritis, sciatica, and more. If one continues to live with back pain, this can lead to additional...

Can Neuropathy Be Cured? Sep 14th, 2021

Many people wonder whether or not neuropathy is a curable condition. To answer this question, yes it is curable, but this comes with active treatment once a patient is diagnosed with neuropathy. Neuropathy affects more than 20 million Americans each year, and despite these statistics, many people are hesitant to...

The Top Symptoms and Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Aug 4th, 2021

Neuropathy is a condition of the nervous system that affects more than 20 million Americans. This common condition is a result of damage to the Peripheral Nervous System, which is responsible for sending signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Neuropathy results in extreme pain, weakness, and...

Knee Pain: Causes, Factors, and Getting Treatment Jul 15th, 2021

Our knees are one of the most important parts of our body, but they can also be known as one of the most problematic. Knee pain affects around 100 million Americans every year, and knee pain is also the second leading cause of chronic pain. Common causes of knee pain...

Commonly Misdiagnosed: Arthritis Jun 17th, 2021

A lot of patients come to Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas with a misdiagnosis and report, “I was diagnosed with arthritis by my doctor.” To which we usually respond, “Okay, how? Did the doctor take an X-Ray? Orthopedic evaluation? Did they do anything?” Upon further questioning, the patients will respond, “Well no,...

When Should I Get Treated for Neuropathy? Jun 4th, 2021

Neuropathy is a condition that affects more than 20 million people in the United States. With so many people experiencing symptoms of neuropathy you’d think more people would seek treatment, however few end up actually doing so and instead live with constant pain. Our team at Neuropathy and Pain Centers...

The Most Common Symptoms & Causes for Erectile Dysfunction Apr 29th, 2021

Erectile dysfunction can impact 50% of men over the age of 50 and we’ve collected the most notable common symptoms and causes of erectile dysfunction.  Many men hit their 50th birthday and might be surprised to find that sexual pleasure is not as easily achieved.  Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood flow...

Top 5 Signs of Neuropathy in 2021 Apr 16th, 2021

Top 5 Signs of Neuropathy in 2021 We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 signs and symptoms of neuropathy for 2021. The top five signs and symptoms of neuropathy might surprise you. Signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can sometimes be vague. We’ve had thousands of patients through our doors over...

Facts & Myths about Erectile Dysfunction Mar 29th, 2021

Facts and Myths about Erectile Dysfunction Simply put, erectile dysfunction is a man’s inability to have or maintain an erection. Nearly 30 million men in the United States have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. And while it’s a fairly common health concern for men, especially those who are age 65 and...

Diabetic Neuropathy: How Can I Manage It? Mar 15th, 2021

Neuropathy, also known as “nerve damage,” is an uncomfortable condition common in people with diabetes. People with neuropathy experience weakness, numbness and pain in their hands and feet. The symptoms of neuropathy can have a real impact on daily life, from sleeping to driving and beyond. At least 60-70% of...

How Do I Know If I Have Erectile Dysfunction? Mar 1st, 2021

Few men want to talk about their inability to get or maintain an erection, however, erectile dysfunction can have a profound impact on relationships and self-esteem. Fortunately, trouble in the bedroom doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction. Most men will have problems with an erection at some point...

Neuropathy & Diet: Does it Matter? Feb 15th, 2021

Neuropathy & Diet Patients and caregivers must be conscientious of diets that may help to alleviate peripheral neuropathy symptoms, as well as the foods that may increase these symptoms. Knowing how the body responds to certain foods may be key to reducing peripheral pain.Your nerves need the right balance of nutrients...

What causes Erectile Dysfunction? Feb 1st, 2021

Erectile dysfunction has been shown to affect over 30 million men over the age of 20 in the United States. It affects men of all ages and becomes increasingly prevalent with age. What is erectile dysfunction?  Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough...

What is Neuropathy? Jan 25th, 2021

Neuropathy is the damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves that cause you to feel pain. It may cause a tingling, burning, numbness or shooting of pain in the affected area which causes you a lot of discomfort from accomplishing many things. Everyday tasks will now feel like a...

Is Regenerative Therapy Therapy Safe? Apr 11th, 2018

Choosing a medical treatment for your chronic condition is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Although your pain has reached an intensity that has you desperately searching for a solution, the main priority of most patients when considering medical treatment is: How safe is...

Regenerative Therapy Costs, Insurance, and You Apr 11th, 2018

One of the most common concerns about stem cell therapy is cost. More patients are becoming interested in trying stem cell therapy but questions about pricing, affordability, and insurance coverage are preventing them from reaching out. It’s a natural concern, but it’s also a scary thought. No patient should have...

What is Regenerative Therapy and How Does it Work? Mar 29th, 2018

Beginning research into stem cell therapies can be confusing because there is a ton of misleading information about the procedures available. Most people stumble upon these sensational treatments while in search for options to eliminate the pain and chronic conditions plaguing their lives. If you suffer from degenerative orthopedic conditions, muscle...

Real Risks of Back Surgery Dec 18th, 2017

Stiffness and aches in the back can be common, but when back pain becomes a chronic condition, the impact on your life can be unbearable. When your pain level has reached high enough to affect your mobility and independence, you may be considering a surgical option for relief but don’t...

Coping with Seasonal Allergies Naturally Oct 22nd, 2017

It’s been all over the news, so you’ve probably seen it: research indicates that people who use allergy medications regularly may be at greater risk for dementia. Building on a study published last year, researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine have found that people who use anticholinergic medications, like Benadryl and Claritin,...

Easy Knee Exercises to Ease Knee Pain Sep 17th, 2017

If you’re suffering from chronic knee pain, there’s a better way to ease your pain than taking pain medications or simply suffering through the pain! Try these easy knee exercises to strengthen your joint, which can help relieve pain. Those suffering from chronic knee pain know that it can have...

Staying Hydrated when Temperatures Soar Aug 20th, 2016

As the temperatures rise, hydration becomes even more important than it usually is. Whether you’re working out in the heat, or just enjoying the warm weather, it’s vital to stay hydrated, to prevent heat stroke and keep your blood circulating properly. Water is an often overlooked nutrient, essential to the...

Healthy Slow Cooker Meals for when it’s too Hot to Cook Aug 4th, 2016

When you think of a slow cooker, do you automatically think of winter? Warm stews and hot creamy soups, hearty roasts and chili- these are the standard crock pot fare for most people. What you may not realize, though, is that the slow cooker can be an extremely valuable tool...

Natural Sun Protection for your Skin Jul 26th, 2016

We all know the dangers of UV exposure. Ultraviolet rays can damage skin, aging it and even causing skin cancer, but conventional sunscreen can also be dangerous, and often contains toxic chemicals. The FDA has not created rigorous standards for sunscreens, and many contain chemicals that can absorb into the...

Five Health Conscious Summer Vacation Destinations May 31st, 2016

What are your summer vacation plans? Do you intend to do nothing but relax, and indulge your every dietary whim? Or are you more inclined to find a health conscious summer vacation destination, and use your down time to do something good for your body? If the second option sounds...

Do Eyes Need Special Protection in Summer? May 19th, 2016

Your eyes are very important, and also extremely delicate, so they require special care. You might wonder, though, is there a season during which the eyes need extra protection. As you may have guessed, summer can be hard on your eyes, and it’s crucial that you take good care of...

What to do about Indoor Allergens Mar 23rd, 2016

It’s wintertime, and it seems like everyone has got the sniffles. While much of that gets blamed on the common cold, which runs rampant at this time of year due to immune systems depressed by the cold and too much togetherness, a good portion is actually allergies. How can that...

The One Resolution You Should Ditch This Year Mar 17th, 2016

Each year, across the nation, people make tons of New Year’s resolutions, most of which fall by the wayside by the time Valentine’s Day arrives. Maybe this is the year you quit smoking, or do more volunteer work, or learn to say no more often. It’s certainly honorable to set...

Keeping Eyes Healthy in Winter Mar 9th, 2016

Winter weather has an impact on many systems of the body. The colder weather can depress our immune systems, dry out our skin, and cause our joints to ache. But what does it do to our eyes? The winter months are a vulnerable time of year for your eyes, but...

Healthiest Winter Vacation Spots and Travel Trends Mar 4th, 2016

Are you looking to get away this winter? Whether you’re trying to escape the cold by heading to a more tropical destination, or you’re from a warmer climate and dashing off to see some snow, the winter is a great time to travel. One hot trend in travel this year...

8 Great Winter Workouts to Try Jan 28th, 2016

In winter, there are tons of great reasons to remain active and not give into the lure of a sedentary lifestyle. Exercising in winter has many benefits though, not least of which is its fat burning power, and capacity to raise your spirits. What’s more, it can be great fun!...

Vegetables: To Cook, or Not to Cook? Jan 13th, 2016

When it comes to food, there’s one point on which just about everyone is in agreement: it’s a good idea to eat vegetables. Packed with nutrients, vegetables are good for many different ailments, as well as overall health and wellness. How we eat our vegetables is a different story. Some...

How much do you Know about Exercising in the Cold? Jan 6th, 2016

Some people love the feel of a brisk winter workout, while others use the cold as an excuse to stay indoors and remain snuggly warm. No matter which opinion you favor, it’s possible that you have some misconceptions about exercising in the cold. Here, we answer some common questions, in...

The One Resolution You Should Ditch This Year Dec 30th, 2015

Each year, across the nation, people make tons of New Year’s resolutions, most of which fall by the wayside by the time Valentine’s Day arrives. Maybe this is the year you quit smoking, or do more volunteer work, or learn to say no more often. It’s certainly honorable to set...

Common Winter Illnesses and How to Avoid Them Dec 16th, 2015

The winter brings with it brisk temperatures, plenty of time indoors, and an increased risk of illness. But is getting sick in winter inevitable? While winter illness is common, there are certainly steps you can take to be proactive in keeping it at bay. The common cold can be caused...

Is Paleo for You? Dec 2nd, 2015

Certainly, by now everyone has heard of the Paleo diet. Unless you yourself have been living in a cave for the past few years, the chances are good that you know someone who follows this so-called “caveman diet”, and many people find it very rewarding. Paleo devotees say that their...

Is Immunotherapy the Cure for Cancer? Nov 18th, 2015

The battle against cancer seems never-ending, and cancer treatment is often almost as bad as the disease itself. Harsh chemicals pumped into the bodies of cancer patients cause devastating side effects that lead some to decide to stop treatment entirely. Worse, many chemotherapy treatments have become virtually ineffective, leaving some...

Health Food or Hype? Nov 11th, 2015

If you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you may be confused by all the claims made about health food. It seems like every week a new food is touted as a “superfood”, and a new concept about how we should eat is introduced. How can you distinguish the truth...

Boost your Immunity before Cold and Flu Season Hits Nov 4th, 2015

The summer is over, cooler weather is right around the corner- is your immune system ready for cold and flu season? The chill in the air means the season for illness is not far behind, but you can boost your immunity and protect yourself from sickness. We have some tips...

Beating Insomnia Naturally Oct 29th, 2015

It’s common wisdom that a good night’s sleep is important, but what if you have insomnia? Those who have trouble falling asleep, or fall asleep easily enough, but can’t seem to stay asleep, are missing out on a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Some medications designed to help you...

Five Yoga Poses to do from your Chair Oct 22nd, 2015

Yoga continues to gain popularity, and with good reason. A practice that improves posture and flexibility, yoga has also been shown to lower blood pressure and relieve stress. But maybe you’ve decided yoga isn’t for you. It’s true, some people have physical limitations that prevent them from doing yoga, like...

Power up your Walk with Intervals Oct 15th, 2015

Are you getting the most benefits you can from your walk? If you’ve gotten into a good walking routine, you may start becoming restless, and feeling like you’d like to push yourself a little further. The solution? Intervals! When you incorporate intervals and strength-training moves into your walk, you’ll not...

Is your Diet Ruining Your Health? Oct 8th, 2015

With obesity at epidemic proportions, it’s not surprising that dieting is a huge national pastime. Whether they’re cutting out carbs, drastically reducing calories, eliminating gluten, or cutting out animal-based foods, Americans love to modify their eating habits to solve problems of weight or poor health. But could our diets actually...

Treating Herniated Discs without Surgery Sep 30th, 2015

How much do you know about treating herniated discs? If you’re suffering from symptoms like back pain, sciatica, or weakness in your lower extremities, you may find yourself quickly becoming an expert on all things herniated disc related. You may be concerned that you’ll have to submit to a surgical...

Running is Healthy Exercise: Here’s how to make it easier Sep 23rd, 2015

If you’ve decided to up your healthy exercise by taking up running, you’ve probably noticed one thing: running can be hard! While sometimes you might feel unbreakable, like you can breeze through the longest run of your life, other times it seems impossible to even make it through your normal...

Knee Surgery Alternatives Sep 16th, 2015

If you’re considering knee surgery or replacement, have you looked into any knee surgery alternatives? While some people may require knee surgery to alleviate pain caused by an injury or arthritis, many are better served by options that are not as intrusive. The truth is, knee replacement surgery is major...

Improve your Joint Health to Improve your Life Sep 9th, 2015

How’s your joint health? Many of us don’t even think about our joints, unless they begin to trouble us. When a joint or tendon becomes painful, however, it’s hard to think of anything else! How can you improve your joint health? A few simple lifestyle changes can improve not only...

Back to School Weight Loss Plan Sep 1st, 2015

How does this time of year work for your weight loss goals? For many parents, the end of summer signals the beginning of the heightened stress season, as back to school amps up our commitments, with the holidays nipping at its heels. It’s often hard to stay on track with...

Nutrition Goals vs. Damage Control Feb 10th, 2015

Now that it’s February, and that New Year feeling has faded to a memory, you may find that your resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Especially when it comes to dieting, it’s often hard to stick to your goals. Why is that? For many people, it’s because the plans they...

An Introduction to the World of Natural Wellness and Functional Medicine [INFOGRAPHIC] Jan 25th, 2015

Do you suffer from back pain, neck pain, migraine headaches, or chronic fatigue? Have you tried conventional approaches but still haven’t been able to find relief? If so, it may be time to consider visiting Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, in Fort Worth. Functional medicine seeks to treat each patient...

The Basics of Diabetic Neuropathy Prevention Jan 25th, 2015

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately half of people who are living with diabetes suffer from some form of nerve damage. When nerve damage is the result of diabetes, it is referred to as diabetic neuropathy. Typically, diabetic neuropathy is more common among people who have been living with diabetes...

Recognizing Early Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis Jan 25th, 2015

Arthritis is a condition that causes joint inflammation in various areas of the body. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs in one or multiple joints in the body that have no relationship to one another. Rheumatoid arthritis affects similar joints on opposite sides...